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We're Breaking The Silence

Let's Talk UTI is shining a light on the issues associated with UTI for those who have experienced misconceptions, while providing valuable insights, supporting research, and furthering education to drive meaningful change.


Laura Preves Helgeson, Founder

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About Us

Women's health research has been woefully underfunded and under researched. Let's Talk UTI is a patient advocacy resource giving women and people born with female anatomy the opportunity to know their choices when speaking to health professionals. We are creating a supportive network bringing awareness to this illness which has been hushed due to the personal nature of the suffering.

Donating = Caring

Please join us in supporting our work and aiding its continued growth with a one-time or loyal donation. Your support makes all the difference!

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a critically underrecognized, undertreated, and underresearched illness with consequences far beyond what is currently being discussed at the doctor's office. We aim to change that by illuminating the issues associated with UTI, providing valuable insights, and supporting research and education to drive meaningful change. We are passionate about this work, but it doesn’t pay for itself. 

It’s time to regard urinary tract infections seriously.
Please help us make this happen with a donation to our work!

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